NCAA: ancora cancellazioni per Covid-19

Il Comitato amministrativo della terza divisione NCAA ha deciso di cancellare per il corrente anno accademico tutte le attività sportive invernali, nuoto compreso.

“È stata una decisione difficile” dichiara la dirigente Faynees Miller “ma la maggior parte degli studenti delle nostre università non ha ancora potuto riprendere ad allenarsi e non raggiungiamo il numero minimo di partecipanti per poter organizzare le attività sportive”


“Today, we made the difficult decision to cancel our Division III winter championships. While some institutions have been able to safely return to sport, the recent declaration form data show that more than half of our division has not returned to winter sport practice and competition to be in a position for NCAA national championship participation,” said Fayneese Miller, chair of the Presidents Council and president at Hamline, in a statement. “This was a very difficult decision to make, and we are saddened to do so. However, none of our winter sports meet the Championships Committee’s established thresholds of participation to hold a championship. We are committed to ensuring that our student-athletes have the best possible experience, and, for us, this means having a meaningful number of competitions. We hope this is possible for our spring championship.”

Leggi la notizia su Swimming World Magazine [ENG]

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